Brilliant text chat between mum and what she thinks is her teen daughter
It can sometimes be a rare and wonderful gift to receive a text meant for someone else. You have to decide in that moment if you are going to mess with them or just be a decent human being and tell them they've got the wrong number. I received a text once from a girl who thought she was texting her boyfriend so I sent a message back saying I didn't want to be with her anymore. It was pretty cruel of me but I was 15 at the time. What can I say - teens are assholes.
This dude though, is not an asshole, so when he received a text from a mum thinking she was texting her daughter he did the right thing and set her straight. Except the mum didn't believe him and thought her daughter was just playing a trick on her. It doesn't help that the mum seems to be thick as shit. Like this guy even sends a photo of himself with the caption "I'm not Jess" and the mum still didn't believe him. I think I may have found a person more stupid than my mother inlaw which is no easy task.
That certainly took a bizarre turn. Seriously, how do some women raise normal functioning children when they are mental morons themselves?! It's beyond me.