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Yep, her off Babestation.

Meet the worlds sexiest 70-year-old

If there's ever any doubt that sweets are bad for you then just compare your average 70-year-old with Carolyn Hartz, who gave up sweets nearly 30 years ago and looks better than most 25-year-olds.

[Image: 289i6]

Caroline was once addicted to sweets but after reading an article about how bad sugar is she decide to pack it in and she's never looked better. I actually cannot believe that this woman is 70. She looks about 45. Here's what Caroline had to say about her healthy lifestyle choice:

I have been sugar-free for 28 years.

It was difficult at first as I was a sugar addict but I believe it is one of the most important reasons I have been able to keep myself healthy and keep my body in shape.
I make sure I eat protein with every meal, especially breakfast. It stops the cravings.

We know our metabolism slows down as we get older. It just means we have to take control and make healthier choices and work a little harder.
I believe it is very important to be aware of the type of food you eat and the quantity of food you eat. Being mindful while you are eating is a huge factor.

[Image: Carolyn-Hartz-q.jpg]

Wow. What an inspiration. And a total hottie! I only hope I'll look that good at 70. It's doubtful though.

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