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Yep, her off Babestation.

Meet the women who love making fart videos

I know people are into different things and what floats my boat might not float someone elses but I honestly cannot understand the appeal of huffing on someone elses guff. I can barely tolerate my own let alone some strangers. I used to have a guy who would call me when I was doing webcam and he'd ask me to fart for him but I could never bring myself to do it. I found it utterly mortifying and super uncomfortable so I just used to brush it off and just get my tits out instead, to which he'd respond with "why don't you take a shit on my face". I'd usually end that call pretty quickly.

These women however, certainly aren't shy when it comes to farting and are more than happy to indulge all those fart loving enthusiasts out there by letting rip. See if these videos give you a little twinge. You never know, you might find a new fetish. I don't think her white knickers will be white for very long...

This girl likes to talks about how smelly her farts are as she wafts them around the room.

Well, I'm definitely not hungry anymore!
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