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Yep, her off Babestation.

Time traveller shares photo from the year 5000

Another dude has come forward claiming to be a time traveller and claims to have a photo from the year 5000.

[Image: 2bd2q]

The dude, known only as 'Edward' said that he was part of a top secret experiment in 2004 and was given the chance to travel through time. In an interview with ApexTV, 'Edward' shares his photo from the future, with is apparently Los Angeles underwater. He says:

It was unbelievable. I was standing on a huge wooden platform. Not only me - houses, buildings, vehicles, of course all made from wood. And after I realised it was the same city, Los Angeles, but underwater. Just it was flooded and the whole city was underwater, and people were living on the water.

So it looks like Busted's lyrics about living underwater were spot-on!

[Image: 2bd2k] 

Edward said that he met a man in the year 5000, who told him how the post-apocalyptic flood started.

That all was because of global warming. Pieces of ice in both poles saw that enough had been melted, and the world dropped under the water."The flood happened because of too much quantity of Co2 in the atmosphere, which step by step destructed the natural shield zone.

Check out the video:

Edward isn't the first "time traveller" to make these wild claims. Last week some dude called Noah also spoke to ApexTV about his journey to the year 2030. I'm just waiting for someone to come forward claiming to have seen a t-rex!

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