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Yep, her off Babestation.

'Avengers: Infinity War' creator hints that Doctor Strange has a plan

Don't read on if you if you haven't yet seen Avengers: Infinity War because there are huge spoilers in this article.


For those who have seen the movie you'll be well aware that Infinity War is only half the story and there's still a long-ass wait until we get the answers to those burning questions; such as why on earth did Doctor Strange hand over the Time Stone to Thanos. We know he did it to save Iron Man's life, but he clearly knew that by giving over such a powerful stone it could possibly mean the end of half the universe.

[Image: 2cd1s]

There's been a bunch of fan theories thrown out since the film was released and now one of the film's creators has spoken out to tell fans to chill out and that it's all part of a bigger plan. Co-director Joe Russo recently did a Q&A where he encouraged fans to put two and two together. Joe said:

Doctor Strange saw 14 Million futures, potential futures. So maybe Doctor Strange knows something.

Joe was talking about the scene where Doctor Strange used the Time Stone to see into the future to see all the different outcomes. In the millions of possible futures, there must have been one where the Avengers defeat Thanos and maybe Doctor Strange was just setting that in motion by handing over the stone. So calm the fuck down people. I'm sure it's all going to be ok!

[Image: 2cd1t]
We've only got a year to wait. The countdown begins to 3rd May 2019.

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