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Yep, her off Babestation.

Guy served his mates tacos made from his amputated foot

I'm pretty sure if I lost a body part in an accident, the last thing on my mind would be playing a prank with the missing limb. I'd be too worried about how the fuck I am going to function with an extremity missing. One dude however, was the absoute prank master and he wasn't going to let a silly think like amputation get in his way.

[Image: 2cvfm]

The unnamed man was involved in a motorcycle accident that was so bad he had to have his foot amputated. But rather than let the doctors discard the foot, he decided to take it home - to feed it to his mates. Yup. Grim huh? The guy shared his story to Reddit and invited other users to ask his questions. Here's what he had to say:

About 2 years ago I was hit on my motorcycle . They salvaged my foot but I would never be able to walk on it. I elected to have it amputated. I asked the doctors to keep it. I signed some papers. I got it back, and with the help of some friends cooked a portion of the tibialis anterior.

[Image: 2cvfn][Image: 2cvfo] [Image: 2cvfp]

Armed with some lime and onions, the guy cooked up the foot and made them into foot tacos.

[Image: 2cvfv]
[Image: 2cvfq] [Image: 2cvfr] [Image: 2cvfs]  

Speaking about who would be eating the meat, the guy said:

I called folks who might be amenable. It was only about 2-3 oz that I took off the leg so it couldnt be a big group. Plus only people I knew very well.I had one person back out, and it’s totally understandable. I think there was a lot of “wait really” Kinda hoping that I’m joking But it was all happy people who showed up that day Lots of dark jokes.There were some people very dear to me there, who supported me through that time and who’s friendship I will cherish.

Apparently the meat wasn't the best he'd ever tasted but it was better than a hotdog:

On this scale I would give it a solid 6.5, but keep in mind that I have had a lot of good food. So it’s way better that a hot dog or regular burger. Maybe equal with regular bacon, which is pretty decent. But no where near as good as butter seared sea scallops or a rare sous vide tenderloin seared in grape seed oil in a cast iron pan.It was from a healthy part of the amputation, Im a healthy person, waste not want not, and my friends all consented. As far as I know they are all still cool with it. Its a fun weird thing.

Damn. Those are some great mates.

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