Guys vision turns red after overdosing on Viagra!
Anyone who has used Viagra will tell you that one tablet is usually enough to achieve a stonking hard on. It even states on the bottle not the exceed the recommended dosage but some people are idiots and don’t listen, like this dude who was left permanently left seeing red after overdosing on the drug.
Apparently taking too much Viagra can make your vision turn red permanently but doctors had never actually seen it seen it happen...until now. The unnamed 31 year old man from New York decided to swig directly from a bottle of sildenafil citrate – the active ingredient in Viagra and the results aren’t what he hoped for. Instead of the whopping dong he was hoping for, he ended up seeing the world through a red filter. Here’s what Dr. Richard Rosen said about the case:
While we know coloured-vision disturbance is a well-described side effect of this medication, we have never been able to visualise the structural effect of the drug on the retina until now.
To actually see these types of structural changes was unexpected, but it explained the symptoms that the patient suffered from.
He doesn’t sound like the most sympathetic of doctors but then again, why would you have sympathy for someone who clearly should’ve known better. Doctors still don’t know of the guys vision will return to normal but I guess the moral of the story is – don’t swig sildenafil citrate directly from the bottle!