Japanese tour operator offers customers an overnight stay with famous pornstar
Imagine being a regular Joe Bloggs with a normal life and then getting the opportunity to bed a famous porn star. Pretty epic right? Well that’s exactly Japanese tour operator Sakura Tourist is offering.
The tour operator will be offering up to 40 people an overnight trip to a hotel with famous porn starlet Shoko Takahashi. There the guests will be able to take a dip in the local hot spring and get handsy with Shoko.
25-year-old Shoko was catapulted to porn fame after starring in a film where she stripped off in a hot spring. For the price of £890 - 40 people will be able to relive some of the movie magic at a hotel which boasts its own hot spring. Is that £890 per person or for all 40?! It’s pretty bloody cheap if it’s for 40 people. I’m hoping it’s per person.
Although the deal doesn’t specify that sex is included in the deal, it does include dinner and weirdly, a strawberry picking session with Shoko. I mean yeah, it sounds fun and all that but why would anyone want to hang out with a pornstar unless they’re getting a blowy at the end?! Meh, I suppose beggars can’t be choosers!