Katie Price returns from Turkey after yet another facelift
Katie Price is up to her old tricks again and has been seen coming back from Turkey with a swollen face after yet another surgical procedure. It was only a few months ago when Katie had her first facelift but she decided to have another bash as she didn’t feel her face was quite tight enough. As well as the facelift, Katie also had bum lift reversal and a breast reduction which took her down to a D-cup.
Katie's breast reduction will be her 11th boob job over the past few decades, and she's been warned that every time she goes under anaesthesia she runs the risk of dying. However, Katie doesn’t worry about things like that and is too busy taking advantage of the free surgery. The clinic performs Katie’s surgery free of charge if she promotes the clinic but if I was them I wouldn’t want her advertising my business. She looks like she’s morphing into a cat. She could barely open her eyes when she was spotted at the airport.
Her love of surgery has even started to rub off on those around her as her fiancé Kris Boyson was seen with his nose bandaged after a half-price nose job. Nothing screams top rate surgeon like term ‘half price nosejob.’
She needs to pack it in. No one can reverse the ageing process. If anything, she’s making herself look older. Have a word with yourself, Katie!