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Yep, her off Babestation.

Restaurant owner blasts guy with fire extinguisher after he failed to stub out ciggy!

I’m not a fan of smoking but as long as someone’s not in a confined room with me or blowing it directly in my face I don’t see the big deal. However, some people go to great lengths to ensure smokers aren’t allowed anywhere near them, like this OTT dude who decided to blast some guy in the face with a fire extinguisher after he refused to stun out his ciggy. 

[Image: 2qma2]

The story hails from Lake City, Utah, where Jon Bird was casually having a smoke outside a restaurant. All was well until the restaurants owner, Alex Jamison stormed out and told Jon he wasn’t allowed to smoke near his restaurant. Jon shared this message along with the video: 
Need to get his info. Assaulted me and ran from the scene before the cops showed up. Anyone know any attorneys that can help? Never thought this would happen
Jon said he was in the area helping to organise an arts festival, and had been told by a security guard that it was fine to smoke in the area. However, Alex disagreed and claimed that Utah state law forbids smoking within 25 feet of a business entrance. Fucking jobsworth. I’d have gone fucking bananas if someone blasted me with a fire extinguisher. I’d be ramming it right up their asshole. Anyway, Jon has now hired a lawyer and aims to get Alex on an assault charge. Good luck dude!


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