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Yep, her off Babestation.

Dude gets caught cheating after commenting on Burger King's Instagram page

This twat didn't realise the amount of shit that was going to hit the fan after he innocently commented on Burger Kings Instagram page. Unfortunately for him, anything you do on Instagram pops up in the activity feed. Even commenting on Burger King!

[Image: 20u2g]

The guy took to Instagram to comment on the amount of time it took him and his girlfriend to get served at the drive through. All innocent enough right? Except for the fact that his other girlfriend saw the comments and had a lot to say on the matter. Oops!

[Image: 20u2h]
[Image: 20u2i]
[Image: 20u2j]
[Image: 20u2k]

If you're going to be a dick and cheat, at least cover you tracks a bit better and don't be a fucking rookie like this pleb.

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